Newsletter Deals

Ebrolis sends out over 50.000 emails a day to engaged readers. Our team processes daily partner submissions for the best eBook Deals and sends them to our users in a categorized order.
Why should I book a deal?
Reach more readers through Ebrolis
Each posted new release is sent to the appropriate Ebrolis users.
Reach targeted active book buyers
71% of our readers read 4 or more books a month, so you're always looking for the next new book.
Achieve full price sales
Nearly 70% of our users buy full-price books in addition to discounted books. And half of our users regularly buy books that cost over 10€.
Increase visibility
Due to the increase in purchases after a promotion, your book also rises in the bestseller rank. Thus, in addition to the purchases generated by the promotion, you also generate purchases through your improved visibility.
Reach active book buyers
Unsere Werbeplattform bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, über 50.000 aktive Buchkäufer zu erreichen, die auf der Suche nach neuen Büchern sind.
With Ebrolis, I have gained a strong partner for book marketing that I no longer want to do without. Thank you for the great and effective cooperation!
Jo Berger
How do Ebrolis promotions work?
Submit a Deal
Create your free author profile and report your deal via the partner dashboard
Recieve Deal confirmation
Our team will review your deal and process your payment. After successful verification you will receive a confirmation email.
Set your offer
After confirmation, you just need to set the reduced price on your selected trading platforms.
We send your deal to our users
On your promotion day, we will send an email with your offer to our users.
Register your book promotion now
Sign up for your author profile for free. Ebrolis offers you the right tools for your success
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